Oracle ACE: In Absentia

So… A few years back I spent a LOT of time with Oracle ETL and BI products. I learned them inside and out, gave some user conference presentations, wrote a bunch of blogs, even Alpha tested a version of Oracle Warehouse Builder. Then I found “Open Source BI” and I’ve been heading breakneck into the world of MySQL, Pentaho, … A choice I do NOT regret – my consultancy is busier than ever and I love the Open Source BI play.

However – I miss seeing some of the old Oracle peeps at Open World. This year, I even registered for my free ACE pass to OOW but didn’t make it because I started two new projects this week. What I realized this year, was that I’m WAY out of touch with what’s going on in the land of Big Red O. The words and products for BI whiz past me – they don’t even look anything like they did just a couple of years back.

I hope everyone had a good time at OOW this year! I don’t see a path back to the land of Oracle anytime soon for me. 🙁

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