It was one year ago today that the bayon blog was born, with a post about simple beginnings. It apologized in advance for misspellings, hasty or inaccurate assumptions which I think was well placed; my high school English teacher would cringe if he were to read my posts. The community has been quite accepting of my inattention to these details, and I thank them for allowing me to be a little sloppy in this area.

In the past year:

  • The bayon blog has been picked up by some aggregators (OraBlogs, BI Blogs).
  • There have been 72 entries in 365 days which means I post something use(less/ful) every 5 days.
  • Mostly I post about Oracle. Here is the breakdown of entries by category (Oracle = 40, Open Source = 12, Tech Industry = 10, Professional = 10, General BI = 6, Grid/Distributed = 2).

    Notice the sum surpasses the total because of posts being categorized to multiple categories; an issue familiar to dimensional modelers and quite challenging to boot.
  • Traffic is steadily increasing… 10k page views per month is starting to breach respectable traffic! Which is thanks to…
  • Google as my biggest referrer. Nearly half of all my traffic is referred from Google. contribute significantly to bayon blog traffic as well!
  • People are Googling for OPEN SOURCE (ETL/OLAP). I’ve written only a bit about these subjects, but it is by far the biggest driver to bayon blog
  • I’ve met bloggers/colleagues/customers and been able to connect with people of similar interest. This has been quite exciting.
  • I’m still quite lazy and have not enabled site comments. Perhaps I’ll make this a birthday present to bayon blog

Thanks for tuning in and I do hope readers find the content useful. Email me requests and feedback on the site content, usability, etc.